
Holiday Rewind: Tips From An MBA Rock Star

Holiday Rewind S3:Ep 50

Regardless if you have listened to S3: Episode 39 or not, you gotta check out all the nuggets my mentee dropped in this episode.  As 2019 is coming to an end, take time out to listen and take notes as you prep for an awesome 2020!  

Career Housekeeping: Your End of Year To-Do List

S3: Ep 48

In this episode, I talk about the three things you should do as we wind down the end of 2019 and prepare for the beginning of a new decade.

STOP Being Mad, START Taking Up For Yourself, CONTINUE the Black Girl Magic

S3:Ep 46

In this episode, I discuss two points of frustration at work: 1. BS that we find ourselves unnecessarily involved in, and 2. Being treated with disrespect.  I give you some things to think about and language to help you focus on your priorities and professionally defend yourself without being labeled defensive or angry black woman.

My First 30 Days, A F.A.R.E. Update

S3:Ep 45

In this episode, I give an update on my first month at my new gig.  I talk about my thoughts and observations,  my biggest fear about going back to work and the new goal I have for my career. 

Season 2 Remix: Likeability, The Bane Of Black Women At Work

S3:Ep 42

In this episode, Tiffany and I discuss the hard reality that likeability/relatability at work is what gets you promoted and how being black and woman makes gaining likeability that much harder in white male-dominated corporate America.

Suffering From Burnout? Take off for Hooky Day! w/ Erayna Sargent & Kortney Carr

S3:Ep 41

In this episode, Felicia’s good friend and B-School classmate Erayna Sargent Takes Over the Podcast with a passionate message about why you need to take care of yourself and start with taking off for Hooky Day, October 22, 2019!

Discrimination At Ford Motor Company Continues, Another Example w/ Walter Bernard

S3:Ep 32

In the past 2 years, Ford Motor Company has settled with an EEOC Harassment Investigation for $10.125 Million and in March was ordered to pay $16.8 Million to an ex-employee for discrimination and retaliation.  Unfortunately, allegations and lawsuits of discrimination are not new for Ford Motor Company.   In fact, if you do a good Google search, these stories of mistreatment are widespread throughout the company.   Even though they have all the policies in place, deep within the roots of the culture at Ford Motor Company is racism and sexism.  One might even say that they can’t help it, Henry Ford was a racist openly admired by Adolf Hitler. 🤷🏿‍♀️

So how do you manage your career while working for companies like Ford Motor Company, who hold on to such an entrenched culture of racism and sexism?

In this episode, ex-Ford employee, Walter Bernard shares his story of broken promises and discrimination thinly veiled as a layoff.  Walter is an attorney, MBA, author, entrepreneur and former NFL football player.  He worked for Ford Motor Company for 7 years until he was laid off this June 2019.

Sis, You Frustrated! And That’s OK.

S3:Ep 30

In a world of Trump Twitter chaos, who isn’t frustrated?  In this episode, I share how the BS is currently frustrating me, the steps I take to manage my frustration, and what you need to do if you find yourself frustrated at work.

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