
Lessons From Texas Mediocrity

S5: Ep 5
In this episode, I break down the parallels and takeaways we can learn from the mediocrity that is Texas.

Unapologetically Productive with Michael Pittman

S5: Ep 4
In this episode, I convinced one of my work BFFs, Michael Pittman, to give us all his tips, tricks, and tactics for being highly productive and efficient at work.

Hooky Day 2020: You Deserve A Day Off!

S4:Ep 29

In this episode, Felicia’s good friend and B-School classmate, Erayna Sargent, is back on the show to encourage us to participate in the second annual Hooky Day, October 20, 2020!

Stop Blindly Applying For Jobs. Do This Instead!

S4:Ep 25

In this episode, Felicia discusses why you should stop blindly submitting your resume to job postings.  She breaks down the best way to apply to jobs and successfully and efficiently land job interviews.  

HOW to Share Your POV

S4:Ep 24

In this episode, Felicia teaches HOW to share your POV at work.  Building off of Tia’s bonus advice about sharing your POV, Felicia breaks down how to prepare to share your POV and how to construct your point of view.  

Mid-Year Reviews: COVID Edition

S4:Ep 22

In this episode, we get focused on how to set ourselves up for the rest of the year, despite the Rona.  We breakdown how to ask for critical feedback, why we need to stay focused on our annual objectives/deliverables, and the need to continue building relationships, even in the midst of a global pandemic.

Microaggressions: You Are Not Crazy!

S4:Ep 14

In this episode, I break down how microaggressions play out for us and how I explained this to my manager, Harriet.

Silence Is Not An Option! #BLM

S4:Ep 13

In this episode, I share with you what I have learned during this time in our history and why you can no longer be Silent and protect everyone else’s fragile feelings.  

Career Lessons Despite The Rona

S4:Ep 12

In this episode, I share the lessons I’ve gathered the past few weeks of working for a Fortune 500 while trying to not catch COVID-19 by staying my black ass at home.  

Adapting My Work Style During The Rona

S4:Ep 11

In this episode, I talk about what I’m learning about gaining information, consensus building, and creating boundaries while working during COVID-19. 

COVID-19 Remix: For Colored Girls with Questionable Tone When The Email Is Too Much

COVID-19 Remix

Because we are emailing a whole hell of a lot in these Rona Times…. I thought it was appropriate to revisit this episode.

From S3:Ep 34 For Colored Girls Who Have Questionable Tone When the Email Is Too Much

In this episode, I talk about one of the greatest challenges and banes of our existence as black women in corporate America…. Tone In Email.

Triggered w/ Tiffany Samuels – COVID-19 WFH Edition

S4:Ep 9

In this episode, I catch up with my b-school bestie, Tiffany Samuels, while we bask in all the glory of working at home during a Global Pandemic.   This was supposed to be uplifting but… CoronaVirus! I was clearly on 10 in this episode.

Navigating Your Career Amid Coronavirus w/Alexandrea Davis

S4:Ep 8

In this episode, I chat with one of my MBA besties about how we are thinking through our careers during #ThatRona. 

To Gain Sponsors, You Must Do This!

S4:Ep 7

In this episode, we continue the sponsorship prep work you started in Episode 5.  Now that you know what you are bringing to the table it’s time to put that knowledge into the action steps in the episode.

Are You Prepared For Sponsorship? The Career Big Game!

S4:Ep 5

In this episode, building from last week’s episode, we focus on getting ready for sponsorship.  Before we start targeting potential leaders in the organization, we some work to do on ourselves first.  Once we have prepped, we give ourselves a better chance to ask for sponsorship.  We talk about building your narrative, understanding your organization, and how NOT to ask for sponsorship.

Networking: Don’t F**K This Up

S4:Ep 2

In this episode, we focus on the tactics of Networking through a cautionary tale of what NOT to do when reaching out to people.

New Year! New Decade! New Season!

S4:Ep 1

Happy New Year!!!   In this episode, Felicia breaks down what to expect this season.  We have a new FOCUS and framework to create content to help you obtain your best possible outcome, Inside and Outside the Workplace.

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