
The Truth About Performance Reviews!

S3:Ep 8
In this episode, we talk frankly and honestly about a very stressful time in most our work lives.  The Annual Performance Review has been a pain point for many of us and this year will be no different. 

There are some misconceptions about the annual performance review.  We run down what the review actually is, how you should prepare, what to expect from the meeting, and steps to follow up after the meeting.

Stop Skipping The Work Happy Hour!

S3:Ep 7
In this episode, we talk about how working twice as hard isn’t getting us anywhere and what you need to focus on instead of just keeping your head down and getting shit done….

Hint: You have to go to the Work Happy Hour. 

Don’t Be Scurred! Just Ask For Help

S3:Ep 6
In this episode, we discuss the Black Woman’s Achilles’ Heel…..  Asking For Help.  

I wanted to talk about the fear of asking for help, how to ask for help, and tips to set yourself up for success. So I called one of the sharpest and baddest Corporate Warriors, one of my favorite mentees, Jessika Banks.  You may remember Jessika from last season when we talked about lessons learned from her MBA internship and how not getting the full time offer was the best BLESSING God disguised.
I also created the 3 Step Sure Fire Method to Ask For Help, Without Getting Dinged.  To get this guide, Join Our Safe Space

Stop Doing The Black Sh*t At Work!

S3:Ep 5
In this episode, the first for Black History Month, I’m simply laying out the rationale for you to stop taking on Diversity and Inclusion work that is not in your job description.
We need to Stop Doing the Black Shit at Work!  Especially if the company is the equivalent of a Fuck Boy.

Vulnerability Sucks! But I Gotta Keep It Trill

S3:Ep 4
In this episode I share a part of my story.  I discuss my battle with self worth, self doubt & self esteem, how it affected me at work and what I have learned so far in this journey. 

Wanna Know If You’re Valued? Ask For This

S3:Ep 3

It’s that time of year….Performance Evaluation time!   You think this may be the perfect time to ask for a raise or a promotion, but before you do, listen to this episode!

How Your Love Journey Equals Career Success Pt 2

S3:Ep 2
This episode is the conclusion of our Season 3 opener with my guest, Founder and Owner of Loving Me Tees, Eleana Johnson.  In this part of our conversation we dig into the what and why behind loving me tees, Eleana’s vision for the future of her company and Why Loving Yourself will set you up for success in the workplace.  Don’t miss the #Nuggets!

How Your Love Journey Equals Career Success Pt 1

S3:Ep 1
To kick of the New Year and a New Season, we talk with Eleana Johnson, Owner and Founder of Loving Me Tees.  Eleana shares the story of her love journey, how her journey has helped her in Corporate America, and how that journey brought her to start Loving Me Tees to help other women start the journey to Self Love and Self Acceptance.

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