THE SHE LEAGUE Conference Recap
S6: Ep 12
In today’s episode, Felicia share’s her key takeaways from THE SHE LEAGUE Conference where she presented the PIE model workshop.
S6: Ep 12
In today’s episode, Felicia share’s her key takeaways from THE SHE LEAGUE Conference where she presented the PIE model workshop.
S3:Ep 33
It’s that time of year again…. Diversity Recruiting Season and we are in the thick of it. In a little over a month, National Black MBA Association will host its annual Conference and Exposition in Houston, TX.
Last season, Season 2 Episode 11, I gave you the rundown about what the organization is, my personal experiences at the conference, and baseline what you need to do to prepare if you are going to the career fair.
In this episode, I expound on that episode and get into what you should do now to prepare for the conference. Joining me, my friend and current President of the DFW Chapter of the National Black MBA, Cherice J. Williams.
S3:Ep 29
Two weeks ago, I was in New Orleans, Louisiana, living my best life with my cousins and friends, enjoying my friends work perks, and soaking in all the melanated joy of the 25th Annual Essence Festival.
In this episode, I’m going to share what I learned during my 4 days in Nawlins and give you some things to think about as we continue on our corporate journeys.