Legal Therapy- Session 1: Clarify You
S6: Ep 18
In this episode of Legal Therapy, our host, Attorney Anitra, shares how she has learned and teaches us to be W.E.L.L. and CLARIFY YOU!
S6: Ep 18
In this episode of Legal Therapy, our host, Attorney Anitra, shares how she has learned and teaches us to be W.E.L.L. and CLARIFY YOU!
S6: Ep 17
In this episode, I share why I went MIA and a surprise coming in the next few episodes.
S6: Ep 16
In this episode, we continue the breakdown of How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie. Section 3 of the book focuses on Influence! These principles help you conduct yourself in a way that allows you to obtain the outcomes you want at work.
S6: Ep 15
In this episode, we continue the breakdown of How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie. After the previous episode, you may be asking yourself,” How do I make people like me.” Well, you can’t make anyone do anything. However, you can work to increase your likability. Part 2 of the book is focused on 6 ways to make people like you. This episode dives into the last three principles.
S6: Ep 14
In this episode, we continue the breakdown of How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie with a deep dive into Part 2 of the book.
S6: Ep 13
In this episode, we start a new series focused on How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie. This is Part 1 of the book where we discuss the fundamental techniques for handling people.
S6: Ep 12
In today’s episode, Felicia share’s her key takeaways from THE SHE LEAGUE Conference where she presented the PIE model workshop.
S6: Ep 11
In today’s episode, we dive into some key workplace basics that will help you manage your perception and drive your narrative.
S6: Ep 10
In today’s episode, we are going to talk about the dynamics of company culture and its impact on US.
S6: Ep 9
In this episode, we discuss the construct of whiteness, our real fear of it, how it shows up at work, and how to maneuver around it.
S6: Ep 8
In this episode, we conclude our discussion of the P.I.E. career model for success. Check out the past few episodes where we broke down the P.I.E. model.
S6: Ep 7
In this episode, we continue our discussion of the P.I.E. career model for success and focus on P: Performance.
S6: Ep 6
In this episode, we continue our discussion of the P.I.E. career model for success and focus on E: Exposure.
S6: Ep 5
In this episode, we discuss how whiteness will try us, the moments of dehumanization we suffer, and how we have to respond, especially at work.
S6: Ep 4
In this episode, we focus on the I in the P.I.E. career model for success. I stands for Image.
S6: Ep 3
In this episode, we break down how to pick a company to work for after you have decided what you want for your career.
S6: Ep 2
In this episode, we’re debunking the famous advice “You have to work twice as hard to get half as far.” We’ve come with receipts!
S6: Ep 1
In this episode, we start the year and Black History Month off RIGHT by DECIDING this is the year of PAID and PROMOTED! So if you are ready and willing, let’s get started!
S5: Ep 36
In this episode, we focus on Communicating for Impact, especially when you are having key conversations around performance reviews and salary increases.
S5: Ep 35
In this episode, we focus on 3 Key Career Transition Points: Accepting A New Role Internally, Accepting A New Role Externally, and Resigning From A Company.