
Legal Therapy Session 5: The Fight


In this Take Over episode, our host, Attorney Anitra, shares how you got time…. time to strategically get your best possible outcome when the is too much.

Legal Therapy Session 4: The Setup


In this Take Over episode, our host, Attorney Anitra, shares how to react when things start going south at work.

Legal Therapy Session 3: I See You


In this Take Over episode, our host, Attorney Anitra, shares how to prepare yourself to deal with the tricky environment that is the workplace. You can stand up for yourself and Attorney Anitra shows you how.

Legal Therapy Session 2: From Powerless To Powerful


In this Take Over episode, our host, Attorney Anitra, shares how to become a defensive driver while navigating the workplace. She breaks down how we need to become more strategic by fighting for our emotional stability and educating ourselves in employment discrimination knowledge.

Legal Therapy Session 1: It Ain’t Over


In this Take Over episode, our host, Attorney Anitra, shares her story of how she decided to fight for our rights and why the fight for civil rights is now in the workplace.

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